Hugo Chavez Oil For Poor

I must be honest and say I really know very little about the program, other than that Chavez is actually making good on his promise and is providing oil to poor citizens of Chicago, Boston, and now DC. But I'll post a couple links.
Who knows what is motivating this -- is it more benevolence, or the opportunity to stick it to Bush and other Washington "haters" (as the kids say)? Here's a quote from one of the articles, though:

'He does have an interest in providing oil to the poorest in the Americas, including North America,' she said." Interesting.
Stephen Colbert has, in a jab at Nagin and Washington, called DC the "Chocolate city with the marshmallow center." My guess is, the marshmallow center is never gonna like Chavez, but the rest of the city is getting a whole lot warmer (in more ways than one).
A couple links, and then I'm done:
The post:
These two are maybe a little too Chavez-friendly, but hey, it's my blog: